Monday, July 31, 2006
@ 10:48 PM
how many times must i repeat this. i am not study material lar. really. i cant study ok. dun even ask me why im in this skool i am now. tads what 90% of the ppl ask me. ask God. he brought me here. yun rui says raffles gt quite alot of stress. hmmm. is it the fact that i am not stressed at anything at all, or is it the fact that nanyang really doesnt have any stress at all? i think it's the second one. :D
really you know.
everytime test comes.
it's always jade nagging at me to study
now. it isnt only jade
it's jessica and qianwen too.><
and tingshan was so nice today.
she gave me this really cute paper which states:CLAIRE:D good luck for commen test. love tingshan.
AWW. how sweet is that? <333
and today i gt caught by sandy tan bringing the glove out of the lab.
AWW. i wanted to blow it up.
it loooked SO cute when it's blown up ok!!!
i cud have taken a foto for u if it wasnt for...
and and and.
shuting is WHITE.
im so jealous.
yujie too.
they are WHITE trackers.
EEYER @ 10:04 PM
EEYER. i think i am far by the most retarded student any teacher could ever get. really. today during german test, i ACTUALLY FELL ASLEEP. okok. i fall asleep during my tests ALL THE TIME. but but but. i diden finish the paper ok!! there were so many missing blanks!! EEYER. and even worst, i think i knew it ok!! HMPH. blame it all on chinese. i hate chinese. i know i know i from nanyang, but doesnt mean my chinese have to be good ok?? >< everyone thinks that nanyang student chinese are damm pro. EEYER. yea rite. look at the way i talk in chinese class. YUCK ok? and i hate ART!! i TOTALLY DETEST IT! why do we EVEN HAVE ART? ok ok. i overall DO enjoy art. but must we REALLY HAVE *AHEM COUGH CHOKE* as our art teacher? oh gosh. PLEASE. SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS TORTURE!!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...EEYER. lunch felt. empty without training.
however, there IS a good point without training.
my tan is FADING ><
pretty soon.
i'll turn from
WHITEas chang e said:
"claire. you are not turning brown, you are turning BLACK."
EW. BLACK? then i will look like an OVERTOASTED BREAD.
how sick is that ahh? YUCK.
i wanna be WHITE.
eeyer jessica i want your skin!!
except for all ur bruises :D
EE @ 8:47 AM
EEYER. i never study for chinese later on. and when i saw the chao dai tink tad need to rmb hor. i gt shock like shit lar. then i was readin readin readin(SEE?? I
AM HARDWORKIN!!) then i flip over and SAW ANOTHER PAGE. eeyer. shock like shit!! >< EEYER. bell has gone. i shall blog later. cux i m a pro. *MEGAWATT SMILE*
Sunday, July 30, 2006
EEYERi have a very important task
that is
to keep on reminding the bimbo jess that she's fat
jess. you're
lol. i suck.
here's a pic if u dun diet
cough cough* heyy. at least im nice enuff ok? i gave you a PINK pig cux i know how much you ADORE pink ok!! and and and. it;s DOUBLE ok!! soo.. erm. YOU AND BOBO!! >< lol.
she aint really fat. she's just in denial..
Saturday, July 29, 2006
whee~~ ok. let's begin the day wif.. hm. oh yes. i met audrey at toa payoh mrt and both of us went together.. and hm. OH YEA. then aft tad i went wif wangyue.. i can already picture my readers snoring. if i HAVE readers that it. WAIT WAIT. i shall tell u all the nice parts of the days ok?? >< ok. ALL THE LITTLE KIDS DONATED TO ME. AM I A PRO OR WAD? hehe. i diden know all the kids like me soo much. if it wasnt for the fact that i tink children are horrible irritating living things, i might *GULP* actually LIKE them. O_O WOW. i tink.. im SERIOUSLY NOT FEELING MYSELF.
so anyway. smart me. i went to my tuition centre in orchard and ask ALL the teachers to donate their 5/10 cent coins and soon, my 1/20 full can was 1/4 full. WHEE. ><
hehe. and and and. i walked like shit lar. i walked thru the WHOLE esplanade and and pass the singapore river(AND THIS UNCLE FISHING DONATED) and i walked into suntec to buy auntie anne dutch icee. EEYER. sO NICE CAN THE DUTCH ICE. ><
and aft tad. i went to shop and save. then i saw this REALLY CUTE BIG BIG BEAR. or izit a squirrel??? anyway. that's NOT the point ok!! anyway. i took a picture wif it. but in the end deleted it cux the bear wasnt very pretty in it.
after that. i went to the LIBRARY. ah yes. i can JUST SEE my readers chokin on their food/drink. EEYER. another death of a few of my readers. hehe. dun worry the alive ones. I WENT TO THE SECTION WITH "SIMPLE STORIES" on it. >< ya la im like. the WORST nanyang student arnd. but EEYER. i dun like reading ok!! but in the end i chose a book and read it. arent u glad i diden choose a book from there? i chose a CHIMER book. TEENAGE MAGAZINE. that's definitely chimer ok u gotta admit lorr!!! hmph. then aft tad was BORIN BORIN BORIN
anywayyy. let's talk about PRES HIGH. ok lar. im dumb. i dunno how to spell. but it's this christian church in yck. though not all are christian. and ALOT OF BENGS AND LIANS LOR. REALLY. and did you know.. MY NEIGHBOR COACHES PRES HIGH.. like O_O lol. and right. we are NOT suppose to go into PRES HIGH ONE. then we were playing hide and seek with the teachers. my darling chong ying treat me to water. steph treated me to bubble tea. YIKES. i feel so blessed...
and i missed HOF on friday.. aWW..
and sum random stuff. im tokin to xiefen right now. AWW. she wun be seeing us for quite some time. SOB. IM GONNA MISS HER.
and today. at nite i went toa payoh central. then gt this grp of ah peis and aunties doing line dancing mahh. which i sum how tot was quite comical. lol. and the instructor dance the time facial expression so gay cann. EEYER. and and and. YIKES. okok. im gonna get mean!!! ><
i know how much u all love reading my blog. i shall blog more next time kk?
Friday, July 28, 2006
@ 10:26 PM
i feel
SOSOSOOSO BAD. tomorrow is track CIP. and i am SOOOO irresponsible. omg. i feel SOSOSOSO BAD. and make wenqi sooooo madd. ARGH.
im sorry. so sorry. if we made you mad. sorry...our sincere apology. sorrie. im sososo sorrie.
i am probably the worst junior you can ever get in the whole wide world.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
im NOT a bimbo @ 10:07 PM
im nt a bimbo. please. filing nails in class
DOESNT mean im a bimbo. besides. i tot the nail filer was
HAWT tads all.. bringing a bimbo pen wif a fluffy butterfly
doesnt mean im a bimbo.. it was a gift from my tuition teacher.... painting my nails during the test
DOESNT MEAN ANYTINK!! i was just plain bored ok!!! HMPH.
i hate sabbaticals. i love rock climbing. i hate D&T. omg. wth. its all *COUGH COUGH* fault!! i tot she had food chem and i wanted a switch but she DOESNT. omg. omg omg. shit i hate you banana. eff off man. sheesh.
im glad val and jess stuff are settled. but chia seem SAD. omg. tad poor girll... she typed it sdrawkcab can.. and though im too lazy to read. i have a guard feeling its abt BGR. cheer up darling. <333333333
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
omg omg omg!! i totally like. LOVE rock climbing ok? it's like. soooooo cool larr. and today climb until hand pain!! i love chingyi!! she's my partner in rock climbing~!! LOL. and and and right. cux i take bus mah. like duh! obvious i take bus >.< then right. i went down the time right. went to tap my card mahh. like duh u need to tap card. then rite. the thingy tink put entry ok! then i like. got damm freak out lar. then right. i had to go off lar. then now ah. i tink my card siao liao.. or is i go up 4gt tap.. and ms yeo nv cum down and be my partner today. yesterday she was my partner and she say be my partner today one. nvm i gt my chingyi!! :)
i totally miss training sia.. i hope our sec 3s dun bully us.. sob sob..
Monday, July 24, 2006
@ 8:36 AM
i looked into the mirror this morning.. and found out
how dark i really am...
i look like a bread placed in the microwave for too long and taa daa. take it out and it's CLAIRE...
i feel sooosooosoo zibei...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
@ 6:11 PM
SEC 4'06!!
WAHH @ 4:33 PM
i am SO GONNA miss ALL THE SEC 4s when they leave ok? yesterday celebration. how i wished time would stop right there. everyone was SOSOSOSO happy. and we took so many photos together. i miss them. ALL. ALOT ALOT ALOT. im missing them already. audrey. meijie. carolyn. wenqi. WAHH. i dun wan them to leave. i dun wan ANYONE to leave.
i want the team to be just as it is...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
@ 7:20 PM
i know you just ADORE my blogger name. claire-claire-claire. how pro is tad?
audience answers: VERY PRO
thank you VERY MUCH (:
and hmm. i love my DARLINGS VERY VERY MUCH.